australia, digital id, digital id app, digital security, digital surveillance, identity theft, new tech

The Pros and Cons of a National Digital ID Scheme That Is Being Proposed

In 2018-19, identity crime directly and indirectly cost Australia an estimated A$3.1 billion. To address such costs, the federal government is proposing a national digital identity scheme that will let people prove their identity without having to share documents such as their passport, driver’s license, or Medicare card. Finance Minister Katy Gallagher opened consultations for the ...

Troy Oakes

A national digital identity scheme.

China’s Digital Surveillance State Exposed in Data Leak

China has often been accused of resorting to secret digital surveillance activities by the governments of other countries. Top Chinese origin mobile phone makers have been accused of using covert digital surveillance tech in their products to collect users’ data. While the Chinese government and such brands have denied the allegations of secret digital surveillance, ...

Jack Roberts

An image of a woman's eye seen under a digital data stream.

Soft Power: China Simply Doesn’t Get It

The Chinese communist government focuses heavily on developing soft power, which is basically the ability to influence outsiders to admire your culture in hopes that they will align with your decisions. At the recent World Internet Conference in Wuzhen, Chinese participants tried to push hard their country’s “soft power” in front of international visitors, revealing ...

Max Lu

CCTV surveillance camera.