ancient china, ancient wisdom, auspicious signs, chinese culture, chinese history, dealing with calamities, disasters, emperor tang, heaven-man correspondence, heaven's wrath, i ching, misfortune and fortune, shang dynasty, virtuous governance

Learning From History: How the Ancient Chinese Responded to Plagues and Disasters

The recent pandemic is, without a doubt, one of the greatest catastrophes we have experienced in our lifetimes. Yet, in the long annals of Chinese history, numerous accounts exist of plagues and other calamities of similar scale. These instances from antiquity provide us with invaluable insights into how emperors and common folk alike managed to ...

Mikel Davis

Ancient Chinese observing a globe mechanism.

The Unique Traits of Hong Kong People

A few years ago, Hong Kong people started talking about a “Hong Kong nationality.” While there is no denying that there are significant differences between the people of Hong Kong, mainland China, and Taiwan, the idea of a Hong Kong nationality seemed a bit far-fetched to me at first. Generally speaking, when it comes to ...

Max Lu

A crowd of people gathered on a street in Hong Kong.