concentration, diet, distractions, exercise, focus, mindfulness, music, nature, sleep, timer

10 Effective Strategies to Sharpen Your Concentration

In today’s world of constant distraction, improving your concentration is a skill worth developing. The excellent news is focus and concentration are like muscles that can be strengthened with practice. By employing a few simple strategies, you can tune out diversions and hone your ability to focus. 10 proven techniques to boost your concentration and ...

Viena Abdon

A neatly organized work space.

The Ultimate Guide to Dealing With a Fussy Eater

If your child is being picky about eating, take heart: This is normal for toddlers. Toddlers are typically extremely fussy eaters. While infants often gain three times their birth weight throughout their first year, toddlers’ growth rates and appetites tend to decrease.  Food choices are the reason why toddlers often display uneven development. On one ...

Viena Abdon

Toddler wearing a bib makes faces as she refuses to eat.

A Simple Method for Getting Rid of Distractions

The average person nowadays has evolved a slight tilt downward in their posture from frequent smartphone usage. We have never spent more time looking down during the entirety of the existence of our species. Now, there aren’t actually any stats on that. But think about it — on the subways, at the beach, on the ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman on her smartphone.

Making the Most of Working From Home

“According to the IWG Global Workplace Survey conducted in 2019, 80 percent of businesses in Germany, 76 percent in Brazil, and 58 percent in India had flexible working policies,” according to, including working from home. If you don’t have prior experience working remotely, you need to understand that working from home is not the cakewalk ...

Armin Auctor

A woman typing on a laptop.