ancient chinese doctors, benevolence, compassion, doctors, kindness, virtue

In Ancient China, Virtuous Doctors Received Heaven’s Blessings

The ancients valued moral conduct, and this was true across all professions and industries. For example, doctors should uphold medical ethics, merchants should uphold commercial ethics, and officials should uphold bureaucratic ethics. The famous physician Zhang Zhongjing of the Eastern Han Dynasty provided insightful explanations on the subject stating that “medicine is a practice of ...

Mikel Davis

In Beijing's Ditan Park, a sculpture of Sun Simiao, the Tang Dynasty medical scientist who was later known as the king of medicine.

Neurologists Say There Is No Medical Justification for Police Use of Neck Restraints

Some police departments in the United States continue to teach officers that neck restraints are a safe method for controlling agitated or aggressive people, but that’s a dangerous myth, according to a Viewpoint article written by three neurologists at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) in JAMA Neurology. The killing of George Floyd, a black man who died ...

Troy Oakes

A police officer with all his weapons.