consistency, dry skin, environmental factors, exfoliation, hydration, preventive tips, shower habits, skincare, sunscreen

Combat Dry Skin With These 5 Simple Tips

Dry skin is a common problem that people deal with all year. That’s why taking precautions to keep your skin healthy is essential. But to take preventive measures, you must first understand the cause of dry skin.  To help you with that, this guide will teach you what causes dry skin and give you five ...

Viena Abdon

Shot of a woman with her back to the camera wrapped in a white towel and showing moles on her skin.

6 Key Tips for Autumn Health from Traditional Chinese Medicine

As autumn sets in, the weather becomes progressively cold and dry. Many people start to experience symptoms like coughing, phlegm, eczema flare-ups, or nasal allergies. How can we utilize the traditional Chinese knowledge of seasonal rhythms for better health during this time? Guo Dawei, the director of Fu Yuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Taiwan, ...

Max Lu

A couple standing on a wooden walkway overlooking a lake surrounded by trees with colorful leaves in autumn with mountains in the background.

Natural Solutions for Dry Skin

When summer arrives, you may roll up your sleeves only to find your skin is a bit worse for wear, especially with so much time inside where the air tends to be dryer, or if you live in an area with low humidity. You may have dry skin that is itchy and cracked. In short, ...

Tatiana Denning

Young woman sun bathing.