dressing up, elegance, fashion, fast fashion, formal attire, personal expression, professional image, self-confidence, , special occasions, style

Learn Moritsuke: The Art of Japanese Plating

When it comes to Japanese cuisine, the first thing that often comes to mind is its delicate and artful presentation. The Japanese have mastered turning a simple meal into a visually stunning masterpiece. At the heart of this culinary aesthetic lies “moritsuke,” the intricate art of Japanese plating. As you learn about the concept of ...

Viena Abdon

Japanese moritsuke.

5 Uplifting Virtues of Jade

Jade is synonymous with Chinese culture, ancient and modern. Jade has been attributed with many fine virtues over the millennia. In this article, we will discuss the traditional “Five Virtues of Jade.” The Five Virtues of Jade are: 1. Benevolence, 2. Righteousness, 3. Intelligence, 4. Courage, 5. Cleanliness. The Chinese philosopher Confucius made jade a ...

Michael Segarty

A carved jade flower..