daughter, daughter from heaven, eliminate karma, heaven and earth, predestined relationships

A True Story Out of China: My Daughter From Heaven

My daughter, nicknamed Jen Jen, was in this world for only 24 years. At birth, she was completely paralyzed. When she reached 10 months old or so, she was finally able to move slowly on the ground on her side and we could understand part of her speech. Two months before she passed away, Jen Jen ...

Helen London

Heart-shaped decorations.

A Poor Girl Supports Monks With 10 Grains of Millet

During the Sui Dynasty, a well-respected monk, Pu An, was cultivating up in the Nanshan Mountain. People loved him so much that anywhere he appeared, there would be a large crowd. A poor girl also wanted to make an offering to the monk. Poor in material possessions, but rich in spirit, Pu An and many ...

Nspirement Staff