argument, communication, conflict resolution, emotional intelligence, love, relationships

Phrases to Avoid During an Argument

Arguments in a relationship are never pretty, and most of us would do anything to avoid them. However, handling your relationship conflicts can determine how your partner feels about you going forward. In romantic relationships, like in professional ones, you must learn to disagree. Your words can erode trust, heighten tension, stir negative emotions, or ...

Nathan Machoka

Man and woman in a heated argument.

9 Effective Tips for Knowing When to Speak Up and When to Remain Silent

Understanding when to express yourself and when to remain silent is vital in both personal and professional relationships. Effective communication can strengthen bonds with friends and partners and may be the key to career advancement. Experts in communication suggest that we often use excessive words and emotions, with few pauses, in our dialogues. Essentially, many ...

Nathan Machoka

Man bursting out of a yellow background, holding his finger to his lips to call for quiet.

Equine Empathy: The Remarkable Connection of Horses to Human Emotions

You’ve likely heard that dogs are man’s best friend, but horses may be the most emotionally intelligent animals on the planet. Their ability to read, understand, and empathize with human emotions is unparalleled in the animal kingdom.  As prey animals, horses have evolved a keen awareness of subtle cues and moods in their environment. This ...

Viena Abdon

A woman embracing a horse's head.

Disagreeing Gracefully: How to Foster Understanding in a Polarized World

Most of us have found ourselves embroiled in a heated disagreement, feeling so hurt or frustrated that we vow never to speak to the other party again. But in retrospect, where exactly did things go awry? Could the conversation have taken a radically different turn if we had approached it with more understanding and grace? ...

Nathan Machoka

Man and woman in a heated argument.

Parenting 101: Nurturing Respect and Shaping Positive Attitudes in Your Children

One of the primary goals of parents is to raise well-mannered and respectful children who treat others with kindness and consideration. However, navigating through moments of disrespect from your child can be challenging and disheartening. This article provides practical guidance on changing your children’s attitude if they disrespect you. Building strong parent-child relationships Encouraging respectful ...

Viena Abdon

A group of smiling children.

The Art of Emotional Intelligence: 10 Signs of High EQ and Low EQ

In a world where IQ (Intelligence Quotient) often takes center stage, EQ (Emotional Quotient), or emotional intelligence, has gradually become recognized for its crucial role in shaping our relationships, work, and overall well-being. Emotional intelligence is not just about recognizing your own emotions, but also understanding others’ feelings and harnessing this awareness to manage your ...

Mikel Davis

Closeup of a young caucasian male showing a label-shaped chalkboard with the text 'emotional intelligence' written on it.

9 Recommendations for Dealing With Rude People: Keeping It Kind

There will always be rude people in your life who are hard to interact with. It doesn’t matter if they are a stranger in the market, your roommate, or a colleague; someone will always get on your nerves.  Talking back is easy. However, how you respond to such behavior reveals a great deal about your ...

Viena Abdon

Being rude vs. being polite.

Practical Strategies for Handling Chronic Complainers in Your Life

Managing relationships with chronic complainers can be an arduous task. Such individuals seem to find faults even in the most perfect circumstances. Their persistent negativity can profoundly affect personal and professional environments, dampening morale, heightening stress levels, and stifling progress. Who are chronic complainers? Chronic complainers express their dissatisfaction, disappointment, and frustration persistently, often tainting ...

Mike West

Girl complaining or having an angry conversation with her friend.

9 Practical Steps to Cultivating Patience

Living in a fast-paced world where immediate results are the norm, cultivating patience has become more challenging, yet increasingly essential. The virtue of being patient, often admired yet seldom practiced, plays a significant role in maintaining your mental health, managing stress, and fostering healthier relationships. This article aims to shed light on the causes of ...

Nathan Machoka

An upset man talking on the phone.

Why You Should Encourage Children to Learn Musical Instruments

Too often, parents and school administrators view learning to play musical instruments much the way they do most arts education — as a supplemental or “optional” subject that helps to make students more well-rounded, but not as an essential component in school curricula. However, studies show that studying music not only supports good intellectual development ...

Armin Auctor

A child playing the piano.