artificial intelligence, energy consumption, machine learning

Artificial Intelligence Is Enormously Energy-Intensive and Not Very Sustainable

Nowadays, thousands of companies are focusing on the incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning in their operations. Artificial intelligence is no longer an obscure tech buzzword loved by seasoned geeks! It is already being used by businesses from various niches, including some corporate giants and tech icons. AI-powered bots handle customer queries in ...

Jack Roberts

A hand reaching to touch the screen of a laptop displaying icons of a microchip, a power plant, a roblotic arm, and others linked together to simulate the Internet of Things.

How to Power the Internet of Things

Electronics need power to operate, and that is obvious. But as technology grows more sophisticated — and so do our devices — the amount of energy required to operate each system also continues to grow. Collectively, we’ve produced more energy-efficient electronics in modern times, ranging from TVs to mobile devices. But that doesn’t change the ...

Megan Nichols

Blockchain and the Internet.