categorical imperative, duty, empiricism, ends principle, enduring influence, enlightenment, enlightenment theories, ethics, goodwill, immanuel kant, kantian ethics, metaphysics, moral choices, moral obligation, moral theory, morals, philosophy, rationalism, universalizability

Immanuel Kant: Pioneer of Enlightenment Ethics and Moral Philosophy

In the 1800s, German philosopher Immanuel Kant was very critical. He is famous for making significant advances in studying ethics and morals. Kant was born in 1724 in Berlin, Prussia. He spent his life trying to determine right and wrong and how to make moral choices. This article will discuss Kant’s ideas, breaking down the ...

David Clapp

Immanuel Kant.

A Big Tree Bears More Wind: The Value of Keeping a Low Profile

Just like a big tree that is more easily damaged by the wind, a person who is too conspicuous or showcases their abilities too prominently can draw unwanted attention and criticism. Embracing the wisdom of ancient China, this article delves into the art of keeping a low profile and the timeless value of humility. Zeng ...

Emma Lu

Huge linden tree with orange leaves in an autumn meadow with a blue cloudy sky.

The Grape and the Monk: An Ancient Parable on Shaping One’s Destiny

Throughout history, tales have been told to illuminate the deeper truths of our existence, to guide us when we feel lost, and to remind us of the power that lies within. Such is the ancient parable of Defu, whose name symbolizes fortune, but whose life was marked by anything but. Through an unexpected encounter with ...

Mikel Davis

Two hands holding purple grapes.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag Archipelago (Part 2)

In 1956, Solzhenitsyn was released from exile by the Soviet government. In 1962, Nikita Khrushchev, the leader of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU), ordered the publication of Solzhenitsyn’s series of works depicting life in labor camps to use his work to overthrow Stalin.  However, this was short-lived. Khrushchev fell from power, and ...

Tatiana Denning

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn at his typewriter.

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn and the Gulag Archipelago (Part 1)

In 1945, on the front lines of East Prussia, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, a battery commander in the Artillery Reconnaissance Division of the Soviet Red Army, returned to his bunker command post covered in gunpowder and mud following extended artillery fire. Unbeknownst to him, two Cheka personnel of the Red Army were waiting for him at the ...

Tatiana Denning

Russian writer Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.

A Girl’s Journey Through a Flood to Enlightenment

A flood in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces during the Yuan Dynasty submerged many villages and farmlands. Fortunately, it happened in the daytime, so many people who got the news made it out in time, but one family consisting of a 15-year-old daughter and her mother had trouble walking and were not as fortunate. Their house was ...

Emma Lu

A raging flood.

An Enlightened Man Before His Time: Sir David R. Hawkins (Part 2)

Please go here for Part 1 In part 1, we spoke about the enlightened man Dr. David R. Hawkins’s spectrum of consciousness and what each energy level manifests regarding one’s level of being enlightened. According to his research, a consciousness energy level lower than 200 harms people. However, as conscious beings, we can jump from below ...

Michael Segarty

A sunset over the ocean.

3 Stories About Enlightenment

Enlightenment manifests in many different forms and in many different ways. 3 stories about enlightenment 1. Let it go There was an old blacksmith who made his living by selling iron pans, kitchen knives, and scissors. Whenever people passed by, they would see him lying on a bamboo chair with a radio in his hand ...

Nspirement Staff

Clouds over the mountains.

‘Journey to the West’: How the Monkey King Was Enlightened

The classic Chinese novel Journey to the West tells the tale of a Buddhist monk named Tang Sanzang who sets off for India in search of sacred Buddhist Scriptures. Along the way, he is joined by three disciples chosen to accompany and protect him. The Monkey King, also known as Sun Wukong, was the first ...

Tatiana Denning

The Monkey King jumping up to the moon.

Miracles, Wonders, and Enlightenment Left by Ancient Cultivation Cultures (Part 1)

For thousands of years, spiritual practice and cultivation principles have been part of Chinese culture and civilization. Countless stories of practitioners becoming immortals, becoming enlightened, and attaining supernatural powers have been passed down and recorded in the annals of history. However, the world is full of skeptics and doubters who don’t believe in enlightenment. No ...

Michael Segarty

Clouds over the mountains.