categorical imperative, duty, empiricism, ends principle, enduring influence, enlightenment, enlightenment theories, ethics, goodwill, immanuel kant, kantian ethics, metaphysics, moral choices, moral obligation, moral theory, morals, philosophy, rationalism, universalizability

Immanuel Kant: Pioneer of Enlightenment Ethics and Moral Philosophy

In the 1800s, German philosopher Immanuel Kant was very critical. He is famous for making significant advances in studying ethics and morals. Kant was born in 1724 in Berlin, Prussia. He spent his life trying to determine right and wrong and how to make moral choices. This article will discuss Kant’s ideas, breaking down the ...

David Clapp

Immanuel Kant.

Exploring the Complexities of Organ Transplantation Regulations in China

Organ transplantation regulations in China have been intensely scrutinized and debated in recent years. As the country strives to establish a robust framework for organ transplantation, concerns and doubts persist regarding the effectiveness and ethical implications of these regulations. This article will provide more information to understand better the complexities of the organ transplantation regulations ...

Viena Abdon

Surgeons performing organ harvesting.

The Race Toward Singularity: The Evolution of Boston Dynamics and AI Language Models

In the world of technology, both robotics and AI (Artificial Intelligence) language models have rapidly advanced, with robots becoming more human-like and AI learning to interact like people. Alongside this, the idea of singularity brings up important questions about ethics and the future of humanity. This is where AI and robots merge into a super-intelligent ...

Viena Abdon

A Boston Dynamics robot.

Scientist Questions Ethics of Collecting Endangered Insects for Study

“I have developed a real passion for a midge,” said Valeria Lencioni in an interview with GlacierHub. The midge in question, Diamesa steinboecki, is one of the highly endangered insects that she observed in the glacial streams of the Italian Alps where she conducts her research. When she started studying glacial fauna in 1996, little was ...

Troy Oakes

Dragonfly sitting on a twig.

Chinese Fables With Moral Teachings

China is replete with numerous Chinese fables that propagate strong ethics and moral teachings. These stories have been passed down from one generation to another with the aim of teaching people some of the truths of life, as well as showing them the proper moral standards to live by. 2 Chinese fables that contain some ...

Emma Lu

Proper Manners Begin at the Dining Table

Manners are a cornerstone of every culture. And while most manners align with the culture and may be different from each other from culture to culture, one thing they all have in common is respect and dignity for the heritage of tradition and culture. Today, many people believe that manners are something archaic and don’t ...

Hermann Rohr

Chinese family getting food with chopsticks.

We Are in the Midst of an Ethical Crisis

It seems we are now in the midst of an ethical crisis. Ethics is the discipline relating to right and wrong. This discipline constitutes moral obligations, moral principles and values, and moral character. Ethics and morality are synonymous terms, meaning “customs” in their original Greek and Latin languages. The Greek term “ethics,” however, also implies ...

Jack Roberts

Book of ethics by Aristotle, translated by J.A.K. Thomson, black cover with gold embossing.