anxiety relief, facing your fears, fears, mental health, phobias, relaxation techniques

6 Tips to Conquer Your Fears the Healthy Way

Fear is a normal reaction that helps people avoid dangerous situations or encounters. In instances where fears, you experience physiological responses — flight or fight — that support you in making the safer choice. The physiological arousals that accompany fear include tensing of the muscles, increased blood flow, rapid heart rate, and more. Your body’s ...

Nathan Machoka

Shattering your fears.

The Biggest Fears in Our Lives

Fear is the greatest debilitating factor in our lives. Fears prevent us from fully exploring our potential, venturing into unfamiliar areas, meeting new people, standing up for our values; in short, living a full life. Many people consider they have a single fear that causes most of their worries, but, in fact, it could be ...

Armin Auctor

A footbal player kneeling on the field.