financial crisis, financial stress, mental health

Financial Stress Can Affect Your Mental Health

Financial stress is affecting people in many different ways. Some are struggling to pay bills, feed the family, or maintain a place to live. Others are meeting their basic needs, but are dipping into their savings for extras. Financial stress is increasing and, understandably, is causing some distress. In recent months, Lifeline [Australian Crisis Support ...

Troy Oakes

A couple stand in the grocery store looking at their receipt with shocked expressions on their faces.

How to Cope With Financial Stress

According to Verywell Mind: “Financial stress is emotional tension that is specifically related to money.” Financial stress can happen to anyone but is more often found in low-income households. Financial stress can trigger anxiety and depression and cause friction amongst loved ones.  Financial stress can also cause physical symptoms like insomnia, headaches, and fatigue.  Some signs that ...

Katrina Hicks

Woman sitting on the floor surronded by bills and a calculator, sitting with her dog.

Shadow Banking in China Surges During COVID-19 Outbreak

The COVID-19 outbreak has put many people under financial pressure. Since financial institutions have tightened lending, people are unable to get credit to make it through these difficult times. However, the shadow banking (informal lending) industry in China has seen remarkable growth in the first quarter of this year, according to a report by credit ...

Max Lu

Chinese milling around.

How Pay Cuts Can Damage Your Health

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many people have lost their jobs while many have had to suffer pay cuts. Some employees are forced to accept a 30 percent to 50 percent reduction in salaries just so that they can at least keep their jobs. However, their expenses largely remain the same, which puts them into ...

Raven Montmorency

U.S. 50 dollar note.