bagua map, balancing energy, chinese culture, colors, commanding position, feng shui, five elements, mirrors, taoism, yin and yang energies

How Feng Shui Can Amplify Good Fortune in Your Life

Feng shui is arranging structures and items and organizing space within your room to achieve peace and balance. It is based on ancient Chinese culture, notably Taoism. A more modern interpretation of the practice involves employing objects, colors, or locations to rewire your subconscious, aligning it with a healthy perspective. At the same time, the ...

Viena Abdon

Optimum bed and bedroom feng shui.

The Healing Power of Music

Music is an indispensable part of people’s lives. People always have music to accompany them, whether cooking, working, commuting, or relaxing. It can even act as a type of good medicine for the human body. Music healing was recorded in ancient Chinese books, and related case records can be found in the West.  Shuo Yuan, ...

Helen London

Cello being played in an orchestra.

Secrets of the Chinese Calendar

The Chinese calendar is also known as the Yin or Xia calendar, or the lunar calendar. Its origins supposedly go back to the year 2100 B.C. to the Xia Dynasty and, according to legend, to Emperor Huang Di. The Chinese Communist Party declared the Chinese calendar as belonging to “The Four Olds” in 1949, and denounced ...

Emma Lu

Close up of Chinese calendar.

The Eight Trigrams of Bagua

The Eight Trigrams of Bagua (八卦) are eight symbols used in Taoist cosmology to understand the organization of life and the universe, and the many phenomena that occur. It is a system for organizing and understanding the forces of nature and represents the fundamental principles of reality, seen as a range of eight interrelated concepts. There are two types of ...

Max Lu

The eight trigrams of the Chinese Bagua.

Mulberries: The Best Health Fruit of the 21st Century

Strolling around the market, you may find fresh mulberries for sale. Some vendors sell products like mulberry juice and mulberry jam. Customers are attracted by this little treasure, which comes into season in the springtime. With its sweet-sour flavor, one just cannot resist it. Moreover, mulberries are honored as “the best health fruit of the ...

Helen London

A bowl of mulberries.

Why the Color Yellow Filled the World of Ancient Chinese Culture

According to legend, the patriarch of Chinese civilization was the Yellow Emperor. The birthplace of Chinese civilization was the Yellow Earth Plateau (Loess Plateau). The cradle of the Chinese nation was the Yellow River, and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor have yellowish skin. Since ancient times, the color yellow has been an integral part ...

Jessica Kneipp

A golden buddha statue with a yellow robe.

Plato Was Right: Earth Is, More or Less, Made of Cubes

The ancient Greek philosopher Plato believed that the universe consisted of five fundamental elements — air, fire, water, cosmos (or aether), and earth. According to his theory, each of these elements had its own geometric shape, with earth particles being cubes. Science now considers atoms to be the building blocks of matter. But according to ...

Raven Montmorency

The Greek philosopher Plato.

Water in Chinese Medicine and Thought

Different civilizations have attributed different meanings to the basic elements of the earth. When it comes to water, traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) details its ties with human body organs, emotions, etc. In addition, Chinese traditions have also given philosophical, astrological, and psychological meanings to water. Water in TCM Traditional Chinese medicine is based on the ...

Emma Lu

Ripples in a body of water.

Music Therapy in Traditional Chinese Medicine

Using music therapy has a long history in Chinese medicine. In fact, the first medical text on the subject, called The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Medicine, was written about 2,300 years ago. Modern research into the practice has provided evidence to support the efficacy of Chinese musical therapy. Chinese music therapy According to Chinese medicine, ...

Jessica Kneipp

Ancient Chinese musicians.