concentration, diet, distractions, exercise, focus, mindfulness, music, nature, sleep, timer

10 Effective Strategies to Sharpen Your Concentration

In today’s world of constant distraction, improving your concentration is a skill worth developing. The excellent news is focus and concentration are like muscles that can be strengthened with practice. By employing a few simple strategies, you can tune out diversions and hone your ability to focus. 10 proven techniques to boost your concentration and ...

Viena Abdon

A neatly organized work space.

A Simple Method for Getting Rid of Distractions

The average person nowadays has evolved a slight tilt downward in their posture from frequent smartphone usage. We have never spent more time looking down during the entirety of the existence of our species. Now, there aren’t actually any stats on that. But think about it — on the subways, at the beach, on the ...

Raven Montmorency

A woman on her smartphone.

Focus: The One Skill to Rule Them All

The sound of car horns honking, the chattering of two loudmouths, deafening pop music blaring away from somewhere, the problems that we deal with inside our heads, tasks piling up — all these external and internal distractions make it hard to focus. When most of us try to sit in silence and attempt to clear our ...

Armin Auctor

A man finding it hard to focus working on a laptop.

Humans Have Lower Attention Spans Than Goldfish

Human beings typically have short attention spans. They might focus on a task for a few minutes before their mind wanders off. In this digital age, attention spans have reduced further. For areas like education, huge changes have to be implemented to sync the teaching methodology with a student’s attention span so that they get ...

Armin Auctor

Goldfish in an aquarium.