cooking with children, educational activities, farm visits, food appreciation, food production, food sourcing, gardening, hands-on learning, healthy eating habits, local produce, seasonal food, teaching children

Cultivating Knowledge: Teaching Children Where Food Comes From

In a time when processed foods dominate our tables, children need to understand where food comes from. Most of us are also far removed from farms, and, unsurprisingly, some children think food comes from grocery stores. Of course, older children may understand a bit about food production from science lessons, but they need activities to ...

Nathan Machoka

Mother holding her daughter along with fresh produce in the grocery store by a bin full of apples.

Smart Spending: 8 Top Grocery-Saving Hacks

Grocery shopping is a mundane yet crucial task that we all have to do. It is an activity that requires a significant portion of our budget, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Here are the latest and most effective grocery-saving hacks that are not only designed to help you reduce your grocery expenses, ...

Haidene Go

A grocery store.

9 Activities to Enrich and Embrace Your Feminine Energy

Have you ever wondered how to enhance your feminine energy and harness your inner strength? Women juggle a variety of roles and responsibilities, balancing everything from career aspirations to family commitments.  Discovering activities that resonate with your true self is just as important as these defining features. Such activities can provide an opportunity to explore ...

Haidene Go

Smiling brunette outside with sunglasses perched on top of her head.

Gardening 101: 8 Tips to Introduce Beneficial Insects to Your Garden

Spending time outdoors, nurturing plants, and observing their growth can be a therapeutic and calming experience, reducing stress and promoting mental well-being. Introducing beneficial insects to your garden is part of this experience. However, like any pursuit, gardening demands regular time and effort, especially during planting, weeding, and harvesting seasons. Successful gardening requires knowledge and skill, ...

Viena Abdon

A ladybug climbing down a leaf.

5 Reasons More People Are Growing Microgreens

Are you searching for a unique, healthful hobby that offers immediate gratification? Look no further than growing microgreens. This beginner-friendly gardening activity not only leads to a healthier lifestyle, but it also brings satisfaction through creating something with your own hands. This article outlines the top five reasons you should consider incorporating the cultivation of ...

Mike West

Sunflower microgreens with other microgreens growing in trays.

The Benefits of Gardening for Children

As a parent, choosing a hobby you can bond with your children may be the best way to build your relationship with them. One activity you can do with them is gardening. Children may need to experience the joys of nature and the outdoors as soon as possible, as there are many benefits they can ...

Viena Abdon

A young child gardening.

7 Health Benefits of Gardening

Besides putting a meal on your table and adding the oomph to your compound, gardening offers many health benefits.  Gardening exposes you to physical activity and the sun’s vitamin D. The fresh, bountiful harvest of fruits, herbs, and vegetables helps you eat healthily.  Connecting with nature improves mood, boosts energy levels, and may help with ...

Nathan Machoka

A young couple harvesting from their garden.

What Vegetables to Plant in August

For most home gardeners, choosing what to plant in August can be a complicated decision to make. Knowing what vegetables to plant is extremely important since, due to the hotter season, not all types of plants can survive. Planting vegetables is not just a healthy hobby but also an excellent way to source fresh and ...

Mike West

A young couple harvesting from their garden.

10 Flowers That Will Add Color to Your Garden Throughout the Year

Planning a garden of any size can be a challenge, so consider answering a few questions before you get started. Are you growing food, or is it merely a decorative space? Is there enough sunshine, is the soil well-fertilized, and is there adequate space for the plants? It’s also good to keep in mind which ...


Close-up shot of pink carnations in bloom in a flower garden.

5 Super Simple Ways to Make Your Life More Sustainable

Have you ever thought about how you can make your life more sustainable? To be honest, I never really gave much thought or even wanted to do something about my impact on the environment, until I had children. I grew up enjoying clean beaches and beautiful rainforests, and I am hoping that they can enjoy that ...

Wilma Oakes

A woman holding a bin of fresh picked vegetables.