coronavirus, coronavirus pandemic, covid-19, genome, new discoveries, virus

Remnants of Ancient Viruses Could Be Shaping Coronavirus Response

Why are some people more resilient to viruses like the CCP coronavirus than others? The answer has eluded scientists for centuries and, in the age of COVID-19, has come to represent one of the holy grails of biomedical research. Ed Chuong, an assistant professor of molecular, cellular, and developmental biology at CU Boulder, proposes an ...

Troy Oakes

A test tube with viruses.

Genome of Great White Shark Finally Decoded

The great white shark is one of the most majestic creatures on the planet and has been an apex predator in the waters for a very long time. Recently, a team of scientists from Nova Southeastern University (NSU) cracked the genome of the shark, revealing some amazing secrets that might one day help fight even ...

Emma Lu

A great white shark.