giving, little free library, philanthropist, todd bol

Tree Trunk Becomes a Little Free Library

Sharalee Armitage Howard is a book lover and librarian at the Coeur d’Alene Public Library in Idaho. When the 110-year-old cottonwood tree in front of her house had to be cut down, she decided to preserve the trunk, turning it into a Little Free Library to help people get books into their hands. Living in ...

Mikel Davis

The Little Free Library.

A Real Star: The Story of a Shoeshiner

Albert Lexie spent all his life as a shoeshiner at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center’s Children’s Hospital in the United States. He donated all his tips to the Free Care Fund set up by the hospital for children who were not covered by any insurance or who could not afford the co-payment. Shoeshiner Albert ...

Nspirement Staff