accountability, employee engagement, empowerment, , goal setting, leadership, performance improvement, problem-solving, team management, trust

How to Hold People to Accountability While Empowering Them

Accountability is not just a buzzword; it’s the backbone of effective team management, ensuring that goals set with precision are met within the stipulated standards and deadlines. It’s the magical ingredient that propels teams toward success. For leaders, this means not only setting the stage with clear objectives, but also keeping a diligent eye on ...

Nathan Machoka

A business team meeting.

10 Strategies to Use When Feeling Unmotivated

Feeling motivated is like an unpredictable friend. Sometimes, it’s energizing and abundant; at other times, it’s elusive and draining. We’ve all experienced moments when we are unmotivated and uninspired. Maybe you are trying to juggle too many tasks, are bored with a monotonous routine, or are overwhelmed by choices. 10 strategies to motivate yourself when ...

Nathan Machoka

An unmotivated-looking young man at his desk.

Foster the Habit of Self-Discipline: The Guiding Principle to Success!

Short-sighted individuals value the “small” freedoms, those trivial, fragmented desires. In contrast, visionaries pursue “big” freedoms, the expansive liberties that bring true fulfillment. It is the self-disciplined who are poised to lead a beautiful life. When one lacks self-discipline, their actions are often swayed by habits and external temptations, making it challenging to pursue their ...

Emma Lu

Asian female standing outdoors with arms thrown wide, as if embracing life.

Mastering Organization: 6 Simple Tips for Improved Skills

Do you lack organization? Are you sick of feeling sluggish and confused all the time? Do you find it hard to remember what you must do and finish it on time? If so, you’re not alone.  on top of your tasks. Follow these 6 tips and you’ll be well on your way to mastering organization ...

Viena Abdon

A cluttered room piled full of boxes of junk.

4 Ways to Build Self-Discipline

If you have decided that enough is enough and you need to get your life back on the path to success, you need to first develop self-discipline. At some point, you might have looked at your life and gotten disappointed at how much of a mess you have made of it. Most of the problems ...

Armin Auctor

Man drinking in the gutter.