beekeeper, bees, environment, genetically modified organisms, glyphosate, gmo, goldman environmental prize, maya, maya tradition of beekeeping, monsanto, pesticides

A Woman’s Journey to Save the Maya Tradition of Beekeeping

There are instances of big NGOs and environmentalists locking horns with governments and corporate agencies to preserve the environment. You can find news on litigation filed by such nature-loving entities on the web, from time to time. However, it is quite rare to come across instances of small-time farmers or individuals without much fame or ...

Raven Montmorency

A honeybee on a white flower.

Vietnam’s Efforts to Save Pangolins, the World’s Most Trafficked Animal

While much is said and written about the need to protect species such as tigers, rhinos, whales, and marine turtles, rare mammals such as pangolins do not get much attention. Yet, pangolins happen to be one of the most trafficked animal species despite having been around for some 80 million years! These pre-historic, solitary, nocturnal ...

Jack Roberts

Thai Van Nguyen holding a pangolin.