good health, health tips, massage, sun simiao, walking

‘King of Medicine’ Sun Simiao’s Precious Methods for Preserving Good Health

In ancient China there lived a famous medical doctor and pharmacologist named Sun Simiao (A.D. 541-682). Sun was so respected by later generations that he came to be called the “King of Medicine’.’ He not only advocated for health preservation among his patients, but he personally practiced the things he recommended.  According to legend, at the age ...

Tatiana Denning

Elderly couple walking through a park.

Urban Trees Found to Improve Mental and General Health

People living in urban areas have a lower risk of developing psychological distress and better overall health if they have more trees within a walkable distance from their homes, an Australian study by University of Wollongong (UOW) researchers has found. In neighborhoods with a tree canopy of 30 percent or more, adults had 31 percent ...

Troy Oakes

Urban trees.

How a Comfortable Mattress Can Affect Your Overall Health 

Other than making the difference between a good night’s sleep or the lack of it, most people do not give enough credit to their mattress. Picking the right one for yourself is not just a sign of self-love, but means a lot to your health, given that on average, you spend one-third of your life ...

Raven Montmorency

A comfortable bed.