communist threat, george patton, good vs evil, leadership

General Patton, a Soldier Inspired by God

Gen. George Patton, who fought in both world wars, is considered one of the most successful military leaders in American history. In his years of service, he faced a critical moment in the battle between good and evil. Most of the world’s research on him centers around his combat tactics and leadership style, while his ...

Raven Montmorency

General George S. Patton, a Bible and a cross.

Good and Evil, and Their Effects on the Body

The ancients believed that doing evil deeds created retribution that would arrive sooner or later. Numerous studies have confirmed that good and evil have an effect and that doing good deeds can prolong a person’s life. During a study of social relationships and mortality risk, American researchers found that a person who is helpful and ...

Armin Auctor

The yin-yang symbol of Tai chi