black sesame, gut bacteria, happiness, mackerel, oatmeal, soybeans, spinach, sunflower seeds, wheat germ, yogurt

Top 10 Foods to Nourish Gut Bacteria and Boost ‘Happiness’

Have you ever experienced being in the company of individuals who are frequently moody and unpleasant? Unbeknown to most people, such unpleasantness and moodiness could be a reflection of the unsuitable and poor composition of gut bacteria. The state of one’s mind and body are closely related to one’s digestion and gut bacteria.  10 common ...

Emma Lu

Bowl of oatmeal with strawberries and milk.

Here’s Why You Should Consider Eating Acorns

Acorns are nuts produced by oak trees and have served as a staple food for numerous societies in the past. Today, they have been replaced by staples like wheat, rice, barley, and so on. However, there is a good reason why you should consider making them a part of your meals — they provide excellent ...

Nspirement Staff

Two acorns with oak leaves in the background.

Health: Child Brain Development Might Be Influenced by Gut Bacteria

The bacteria in the human gut might play a key role in child brain development, a new study has found. Research also suggests that gut bacteria may also contribute to symptoms of autism. Brain effects The brain development study was conducted by Sophie Rowland from Wellesley College in Massachusetts and her team. They looked at ...

Raven Montmorency

Curious child looking out a window.

Your Gut Bacteria Might Be Causing Medications to Be Less Effective

It is estimated that there are between 300 and 500 types of bacteria in the human gut. These typically line the entire digestive system, intestines, and colon, affecting everything from your mood, metabolism, and even the state of your immune system. New research now suggests that these gut bacteria might also be responsible for dismantling ...

Armin Auctor

The human microbiome.