blessings, generosity, hardship, karma, life choices, tolerance, virtue

3 Small Things That Can Bring Blessings

Many people pursue a good life based on material success, such as a high income, expensive homes, and luxury cars. However, these things are temporary and may not bring true contentment. So what types of blessings bring long-lasting happiness in life? The principles of karma and virtue Because good and evil will eventually be rewarded, ...

Tatiana Denning

Silhouette of a man jumping for joy on the beach at sunset.

Learning How to Be Grateful

A woman with excellent academic achievements, but who had never learned how to be grateful, went to a large company to interview for a senior executive position. She passed the first few interviews and finally the chairman of the board personally interviewed her as he made the final decision. From her résumé, the chairman found ...

Helen London

A large company building.