anger, corruption, health, kou zhun, neglecting health, regret, speaking recklessly, thrift, wasting time

To Avoid Having Regrets, Don’t Do These 6 Things

Throughout your lifetime, you have undoubtedly had some regrets. Perhaps some regrets were significant, while some were small, and you wish you had more guidance to do better next time. The good news is history has left us ancient wisdom to help guide us. One such example of wisdom comes from Kou Zhun, a famous ...

Tatiana Denning

A stack of Chinese money.

What Do the Different Colors of Mold Mean in Your House?

You may be interested (or possibly horrified) to discover you ingest and inhale thousands of tiny life forms on a daily basis, including mold. The air and surfaces around you are home to multitudes of bacteria, fungi, viruses, mites, algae, mold, and protozoa. Your skin isn’t much better, with a complex ecosystem of organisms called ...

Troy Oakes

Moldy food.

How the Body’s Emotions Impact Health

Every time you get angry, sad, or experience grief and you do not express the emotions, they are recorded by the body one by one. Listening to the body’s voice to sense the body’s emotions is important for maintaining health. Your health is directly affected by your mood. If you stay in a happy mood ...

David Jirard

Laughter helps regulate the body's immune system.

The Secret Key to Health and Longevity

The modern view of achieving health and longevity is diet, regular exercise, and resorting to drugs or supplements. Despite all the advances in contemporary science and technology to advance health and longevity, we are far from finding this elixir. Huangdi Neijing (a classical Chinese medical book written thousands of years ago) reminds us that nourishing the ...

Monica Song

Worried Asian businessman holding his head.

The Miraculous Effect of Emotions on Health

We all know that health is essential, and many people are concerned about all kinds of health information. But the best way to cherish life is not to care about it too much. It can be said that almost all diseases result from your immune system losing the battle, and one of the critical factors ...

Hermann Rohr

A young woman crying on a sofa.

Regenerative Wonders: Astonishing Healing Powers of Babies Within the Womb

In the intricate landscape of life, one phenomenon stands out as both puzzling and awe-inspiring: the healing abilities of babies within the womb. Recent scientific breakthroughs have unveiled the potential of fetal cells to repair and rejuvenate the organs and tissues of expectant mothers. This article delves into the complexities of fetal microchimerism, shedding light ...

Viena Abdon

Couple kissing each other while holding an ultrasound picture of their unborn child.

Improving Your Immunity

Those with weak immunity are of course more prone to getting sick, however, there are ways to improve your immunity to lessen your chances of getting ill. 8 ways to improve immunity 1. Get enough sleep Since sleep can restore your body’s vigor and make you feel energetic when waking up, you should ensure you ...

David Jirard

A bowl of chicken soup.

Inner Peace and Health Are Your Greatest Wealth for 2023

“Blessings never come together, and misfortunes never come alone.” Good luck or misfortune, inner peace, and health change with your thoughts and attitudes throughout life. Your spontaneous thoughts are your most significant wealth. In any situation, your intuitive thought will determine the outcome. How you see any event is up to you. If you view ...

Michael Segarty

The road leading to 2023.2023