fitness, health bebefits, running

It’s Okay to Run Slowly: In Fact, it Has Plenty of Benefits

Runners are obsessed with time. Amateur or professional, for most avid runners, the aim is to get faster — constantly training to shave even just a couple of seconds off their marathon time or 5K pace. But one trend that’s started to gain a foothold in recent years is do it. Fans of this approach ...

Troy Oakes

A man and a woman jogging in a city park.

4 Benefits of Collagen, Including a Youthful Look

Whether you’re a wrinkle-worried or just beginning to notice the skin around your eyes and lips getting a little looser, you may want to consider collagen. As the levels in your skin decrease as you age, you can experience wrinkles, loss of elasticity, and an increased risk of cellulite. Defined as the primary protein responsible ...

Mari Elle

Older woman looking at graying hair in a mirror.

A Return to the Wild for Better Immune Health

Revegetating green spaces within cities can improve soil quality and has been linked to better immune health in humans. To better understand the relationship between soil composition and different urban vegetation types — lawns, vacant lots, parklands, and woodland areas — our researchers sampled soil from the City of Playford council area in South Australia ...

Troy Oakes

A green space.

Laughter Heals

Laughter heals. There is a saying: “Laugh once and your worries are gone. Laugh twice and your anger disappears. Laugh three times and your regrets are subdued. Laugh four times and live a healthy life. Laugh five times and feel forever young. Laugh six times and set yourself free. Laugh often and live a long ...

Helen London

A couple laughing.

Study Finds Holistic Approach Best When Tackling Non-Medical Drug Use

Health practitioners are constantly developing new ways to help those with drug and alcohol addictions wean themselves from their substance of choice. Most such programs have limited success, however. A new study finds that interventions that take a multidimensional approach — tackling the biological, social, environmental, and mental health obstacles to overcome while also addressing ...

Troy Oakes

A woman meditating at the beach.

Oolong: The Health Drink of Taiwan

Living a healthy lifestyle is one of the secrets to a happier and more fulfilling life. Thanks to globalization, healthy food has been shared across nations and regions. In this regard, Taiwan also has something to offer — oolong — a traditional health drink that has been around since time immemorial in China. Superfoods such ...

Raven Montmorency

Oolong tea plantation.

Healthy Recipes: 3 Ways to Make Dairy-Free Kefir

Kefir is fast becoming a must-have for the health-conscious. Though yogurt is the most well-known probiotic, kefir is actually more potent since it can contain up to 61 strains of yeasts and bacteria that are good for health. One of the most popular kefir varieties is milk kefir. However, this may not be suitable for ...

Raven Montmorency

A kefir drink.

Health and Work: Retire Early to Live Longer

Plan on living an exciting life after retirement? If so, you need to stop working and retire early, according to a study that looked at the relationship between mortality and retirement. Longer life for early retirees The study is based on research carried out on Dutch civil servants. Male employees who were over 54 years ...

Raven Montmorency

A retired couple dancing.