acts of kindness, compassion, health benefits, kindness

How Acts of Kindness Improve Your Health

Kindness goes beyond uplifting others — it also benefits your health. Research proves that acts of kindness improve emotional well-being and even impact physical health. This article will explore how kindness promotes a healthier and happier life. The connection between kindness and health Practicing kindness has tangible health benefits that positively impact your well-being. Here ...

Viena Abdon

Wooden blocks with letters that spell 'kindness.'

5 Health Benefits of Flaxseeds: A Superfood Worth Adding to Your Diet

Flaxseeds, scientifically known as Linum usitatissimum, are tiny, crunchy seeds with a nutty taste. Their color ranges from deep brown to light yellow when mature. They contain proteins, omega-3 fatty acids, antioxidants, and minerals. There are several ways to prepare the seeds, and you can find one that suits your recipes or needs. You can ...

Nathan Machoka

Dark flaxseeds.

The Best Time to Eat Ginger

Ginger is not just a well-loved spice, it’s also a powerful superfood. But what’s the best time to eat ginger? And should it be peeled before eating? This guide will show you how to enjoy ginger in a way that nourishes your body without causing harm. 5 fabulous health benefits of ginger Ginger is rich ...

Mikel Davis

Fresh and powdered ginger.

Unlocking the Benefits of Power Naps for Productivity and Well-Being

The relentless pace of modern life often leaves us feeling drained. In the midst of a busy schedule, power naps have emerged as an effective way to recharge our energy and enthusiasm. These brief periods of sleep, when harnessed correctly, are a secret weapon that can boost our daily performance and overall well-being. This article ...

Viena Abdon

Illustration of a man resting on a sofa.

Unlock the Secrets to Weight Loss With the Roselle Plant!

You might not have heard of the roselle plant before, and there’s a good reason behind it. Unlike other healthy plants incorporated into people’s diets, this one has a different classification. It is known for its many health benefits, especially its antioxidant properties, which can result in weight loss by decreasing fat absorption. Before that, ...

Mike West

The roselle plant.

Outdoor Play Boosts Children’s Mental Health and Reduces Screen Time

Are you a parent concerned about your children not having enough outdoor playtime and spending too much time in front of screens? You’re not alone. With the rise of technology, many parents worry about the impact of screen time on their children’s mental and physical health. But there’s good news: Outdoor play can be a ...

Viena Abdon

Asian family rollerblading together.

3 Benefits of Eating Ginger in the Summer

Traditional Chinese medicine has a saying, “Eat radish in winter and ginger in summer.” Indeed, from the perspective of health preservation and disease prevention, eating ginger in summer has many benefits. But everything has two sides. How to choose good ginger When choosing ginger, it is essential to smell it carefully, look at the skin, ...

Hermann Rohr

A pile of ginger root.

Are Onions the Most Incredible and Cheapest ‘Blood Vessel Stent’?

Onions, the “queen of dishes,” is a typical and cheap home-cooked dish. Its flesh is tender, juicy, lightly spicy, good in quality, suitable as raw food, and highly nutritious. Regular consumption of onions has health effects such as sterilization, calcium supplementation, promotion of digestion, cancer prevention, anti-aging, lowering blood pressure, and lowering blood lipids. There ...

Hermann Rohr

A pile of yellow onions.

7 Health Benefits of Gardening

Besides putting a meal on your table and adding the oomph to your compound, gardening offers many health benefits.  Gardening exposes you to physical activity and the sun’s vitamin D. The fresh, bountiful harvest of fruits, herbs, and vegetables helps you eat healthily.  Connecting with nature improves mood, boosts energy levels, and may help with ...

Nathan Machoka

A young couple harvesting from their garden.

Health Benefits of Consuming Honey-Fermented Garlic

A long time ago, traditional healers discovered the medicinal value of garlic and honey. In modern times, people may have lost these secrets or relied solely on modern medicine. But today, studies are rediscovering the health benefits of honey-fermented garlic.  According to research by the Ministry of Health in Addis Ababa, garlic can treat coughs, ...

Nathan Machoka

A jar of honey-fermented garlic.