health care, pest control, viruses

New At-Home Heart Monitoring Technique Could Reduce Hospital Visits and Save Lives

A simple new heart-monitoring technique has been developed to help people self-monitor their conditions at home without the need for hospital visits. University of Manchester researchers have developed a simple technique that allows people to monitor their own electrocardiogram (ECG) for a potentially life-threatening condition. Previously, people needed to have an ECG in a hospital that ...

Troy Oakes

A heart monitor.

5 Undervalued Benefits of Working as a Nurse on Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is the day people come together with their families and have a hearty meal. However, not all people have the luxury to take some free time on this holiday. Nurses are expected to always be at hand in hospitals. Fortunately, working the holiday does come with some benefits. 5 benefits of nurses working on ...

Raven Montmorency

Thanksgiving day nurses.