atoms, food science, health food, metabolism, mitochondria

No, You Shouldn’t Wash Raw Chicken Before Cooking It. So Why Do People Still Do It?

Food safety authorities and regulators around the world recommend you don’t wash raw poultry before cooking. That’s because washing chicken can splash dangerous bacteria around the kitchen. It’s best just to thoroughly cook the chicken without washing it, so it is safe to eat. Despite this, chicken washing remains common. A survey by Australia’s Food ...

Troy Oakes

Cutting chicken meat.

7 Health Benefits of Chinese Red Dates

Chinese red dates, or jujubes, are one of the most popular health foods in China. Dried dates are soft on the outside with a sweet smell and moist inside. Chinese people treat red dates not only as a food, but also as a health tonic and traditional herb. Many traditional herbal formulas include dates, as ...

Armin Auctor

A container of red dates.

Chicken Soup for Your Soul

Do you remember that time when you came home after a really bad day? The weather was bad, you felt down, and maybe your heart was broken. Then you got a whiff of mom’s cooking in the kitchen, and you felt instant relief. What was it? The one dish to solve all worries. A good ...

Raven Montmorency

A bowl of chicken noodle soup.

5 Incredible Health Benefits of Sweet Potatoes

Sweet and starchy, sweet potatoes grow all over the world and come in various colors like orange, purple, and white. People in Okinawa, Japan, are well-known for living longer than almost anyone else on Earth. Almost 60 percent of their calories come from consuming these root vegetables. In places like Papua New Guinea, some tribes ...

Raven Montmorency

Cutting up a sweet potato.

Recipe: How to Prepare Passion Fruit Basil Chutney

Bored with the usual sauce for your grilled chicken and other dishes? Try out this passion fruit basil chutney. A sweet and spicy preparation, the chutney can be made in around 15 minutes. The recipe To prepare the chutney for one person, you will need 5 passion fruits, 7 basil leaves, ½ onion, 2 cloves, 1 lime, ...

Raven Montmorency

Passion fruit.