brown rice, healthy eating, nutrition, white rice

White Rice Explained: Is It Healthy or Not?

Rice is the primary staple food for more than half the world’s population — with Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa, and South America the largest consuming regions. The bulk of global rice is classified as Oryza sativa, a plant species believed to have originated in Asia from the Graminaceae (grass) family. Although brown rice is promoted as “healthier” because of ...

Mike West

A bowl of white rice.

What Is Your Brain’s Favorite Food?

As we all know, the brain is a vital organ of the human body, and people of all ages need to nourish and strengthen it. What should we do in our daily life? In addition to ensuring enough sleep and moderate daily exercise, we can supplement this vital organ with many nutrients through food. 10 ...

Mikel Davis

A man's hands are held protectively around a plastic model of a brain.

Discover the Best Foods for Nourishing Your Gut Flora

Deep within your digestive tract lies a hidden world of microscopic organisms, the gut flora, or gut microbiota. These tiny inhabitants play a remarkable role in your well-being, influencing digestion, nutrient absorption, immune system regulation, gut barrier integrity, metabolism, and mental health. Unfortunately, the delicate balance of gut flora can be easily disrupted. Modern lifestyles ...

Viena Abdon

High-fiber foods.

Healthy Meal Essentials: Tips on Building a Balanced Lunch Box

A balanced lunch box is essential for children’s health and happiness. This healthy meal gives them the energy and nutrients they need to do well in school and activities. In addition, packaging the lunch box with care helps children concentrate, learn better, and perform their best in school or other activities. Secret ingredients for a ...

Viena Abdon

School children with their lunch boxes.

Eating Dark Chocolate Can Surprisingly Lower Your Risk of Chronic Diseases

Dietary fiber is typically associated with vegetables, but dark chocolate, a treasure trove of dietary fiber, challenges this preconceived notion. Foods rich in dietary fiber often bring to mind ingredients like burdock root or sweet potatoes. Yet dark chocolate packs in double the fiber found in equivalent quantities of burdock root and more than five ...

Mikel Davis

Dark chocolate chopped on a wooden board.

Can Beetroot Really Improve Athletic Performance?

Beetroot is gaining popularity as a performance-enhancer for athletes and those wanting to gain a competitive advantage in running and cycling. Some people juice beetroots, some eat it, and others mix up a drink from the powdered form. But will it make a noticeable difference in how quickly we run a race or cycle up ...

Troy Oakes

Beetroot juice and beetroots.

6 Foods That Will Boost a Woman’s Fertility

If you are planning on becoming pregnant, one thing you should prioritize is a diet that can increase fertility. Nutrition is essential in optimizing your fertility in the long run. And this is the simplest thing you can do to prepare your body for conception or keep it in shape. Eating healthy foods, especially fertility ...

Viena Abdon

Organic berries.

Hunger Persists Without Enough Protein

There’s so much confusion on dietary advice these days. One consistent theme is “no one size” fits all. Genetics, current lifestyle (diet and activity level), age, and sex differences all play a role. If you’re metabolically efficient, meaning that you hold a good amount of lean muscle mass, you’ll burn fuel much better! Not only ...

Health by Nature

Protein foods.

8 Foods to Avoid When You Are Pregnant

A pregnancy diet is essential not just for the child, but also for the mother. Find out some of the foods you shouldn’t eat when you are pregnant and why they are dangerous to your child’s health. Following pregnancy, diet is a great way to ensure the health and safety of the child and the ...

Mike West

A pregnant woman eating a salad.

Fostering an Obese-Free Environment for Children

Childhood obesity is a medical condition where your child’s weight is above the recommended body mass index (BMI) on growth charts. In children, BMI is age-specific and gender-specific.  Childhood obesity affects children and adolescents. It puts them at risk of developing lifestyle diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes. It can also lead to mental illnesses ...

Nathan Machoka

Childhood obesity.