acupuncture points, fainting, first aid, heart attack, stroke, traditional chinese medicine

7 Foods to Keep Your Blood Vessels Young

If the body’s blood vessels are not working properly, they cannot deliver blood to all parts of the body. As you age, fatty traces form in your blood vessels causing the cells lining the inside of the vessels to increase in number and size. This leads to medical emergencies, such as heart attacks and strokes. ...

David Jirard

A jar of honey.

Do These 5 Things to Prevent Vascular Disease in the Winter

The winter season brings a high incidence of vascular disease — both cardiovascular and cerebrovascular. But traditional Chinese medicine gives you some essential tips on things you can do to help prevent vascular disease in the winter.  According to Chinese medicine, the main reason is that blood vessels constrict when the weather turns cold, including ...

Tatiana Denning

Man having a heart attack.

12 Signs of a Heart Attack, Unexpected but Lethal

A heart attack, or myocardial infarction, has a very fast onset and can be fatal. Some signs are not easily recognizable, so we have compiled the following list. Who knows, it may help you to save your life or someone else’s one day! 12 heart attack signs 1. Dizziness Dizziness is a symptom of many ...

Kathy McWilliams

A hospital emergency room.

Exploring New Ways to Fix a Broken Heart

Scientists have designed a minimally invasive platform that turns the body’s inflammatory response into a signal to heal, rather than a means of scarring the heart following myocardial infarction. Although tissue engineering strategies to replace or supplement the degrading extracellular matrix (ECM) following a heart attack are not new, researchers — led by co-principal investigators Nathan ...

Troy Oakes

A broken heart.