diet, herbal teas, inflammation, lifestyle changes, menstrual cramps, natural remedies, pain relief, period discomfort, period health

Gentle Relief: Natural Methods to Reduce Menstrual Cramping

Dysmenorrhea or menstrual cramps are throbbing or cramping pains in the lower abdomen that women experience during their periods. It feels dull and throbbing in the lower abdomen and can sometimes spread to the lower back and legs. When the uterus contracts to shed its lining, it cuts off blood flow and oxygen to muscles ...

Viena Abdon

A woman with menstrual cramping.

Upgrade Your Productivity With These 12 Herbal Teas

Why shouldn’t you upgrade your productivity by drinking some teas that actually work? If you think coffee is the only solution to work for the grind, you might have to think again. Did you know that herbal teas and green tea are better when it comes to focusing, mood, and energy? 12 herbal teas that ...

Nspirement Staff

A cup of herbal tea.