blood presure, healthy lifestyle, high blood pressure, hypertension, medication

Can Eating Onions, Fungus, and Celery Lower Blood Pressure?

High blood pressure is a vascular disease in which the pressure in the blood vessels is higher than the standard value. It is defined as a systolic pressure of 130 or higher, or a diastolic pressure of 80 or higher. Many people with high blood pressure do not experience any symptoms of discomfort. However, this ...

Hermann Rohr

Whole and sliced onions.

7 Ways Anger Can Hurt Your Body

Anger is a powerful emotion. It can lead to arguments, physical fights, physical abuse, assault, and self-harm. In addition, the constant flood of stress chemicals and associated metabolic changes that go with recurrent unmanaged anger can cause harm to many different systems of the body. 7 health problems that have been linked to getting angry 1. Anger ...

Emma Lu

An Angry man clenching his fists.

How to Cut Sugar Cravings Naturally

Want to know how to cut sugar cravings naturally? For this episode of “Health by Nature,” let’s look at blood sugar and the importance of a low sugar lifestyle for brain health. Did you know insulin resistance has long been linked to obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and hormonal imbalances? And ...

Health by Nature

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Without Medication

Want to know how to lower your blood pressure without medication? One in 10 people in Australia is on medication for high blood pressure. What many people don’t know is that it is a condition that can be reversed or reduced by reducing our risk factors. This can all be done naturally through many of ...

Health by Nature

Effective Tips For Lowering High Blood Pressure (Part 2)

For a doctor of Chinese medicine, lowering high blood pressure is not the most important thing, because it is more important to solve the cause of the high blood pressure. In Part 1, we looked at mood and how things like anger, nervousness, and fear can activate the sympathetic nervous system, driving blood pressure higher. ...

Helen London

Small chalkboard with the word 'hypertension' written on it sits on a wooden surface next to a book with a red cover, a black ball point pen, a pair of reading glasses, and a piece of chalk.

Effective Tips For Lowering High Blood Pressure (Part 1)

Lowering high blood pressure is critical. Hypertension is known as a silent killer. According to the 2017 Hypertension Treatment Guidelines by the American Heart Association, when blood pressure is measured in a calm state where there are more than three high blood pressure readings in two consecutive weeks it is judged to be high blood ...

Helen London

Man with white hair and white clothes takes the blood pressure of a woman with brown hair and white clothes as they sit together at a table containing a laptop, patient chart, and X-ray.

Traditional Chinese Medicine Treatments for Extremely High Blood Pressure

Bloodletting is used today in traditional Chinese medicine as a treatment for a sudden spike causing extremely high blood pressure. The practice of bloodletting began around 3,000 years ago with the Egyptians, then continued with the Greeks and Romans, the Arabs, and the Asians, and then spread through Europe during the Middle Ages and the ...

Helen London

A blood pressure monitor.

Chinese Salt Consumption Is Almost Twice the Amount Recommended

The Chinese population may be going overboard with the amount of salt they eat. Decades of studies show that adults in China are among the highest consumers in the world, and it’s not good for them. Not enough salt for the Chinese According to the Chinese Dietary Guidelines, daily salt consumption for a healthy adult ...

Max Lu

A scoop of sea salt.