brain, human consciousness, hydrocephalus

Are Our Brains Really Necessary?

Are humans able to live a normal life without a brain? Yes! It appears that some of us do. Scientists have found many people are able to live a normal life without detectable brains. How is this possible? Could we have a “brain” or spiritual consciousness independent of our material bodies? Keep watching to find ...

Believe It Or Not

Mindfulness Meditation: ‘My Year of Living Mindfully’

My Year of Living Mindfully is a documentary made by filmmaker and journalist Shannon Harvey that explores how useful mindfulness meditation can be in helping us deal with mental issues. Just over an hour and a half long, the documentary contains interviews with 18 scientists and numerous compelling stories that make you think about what ...

Armin Auctor

Shannon Harvey as seen in the promotional materials for 'My Year of Living Mindfully.'

Is There a Global Consciousness?

In 1998, a parapsychology experiment called the Global Consciousness Project (GCP) set out to determine whether global consciousness interacts with physical systems and to identify such interactions if they occur. The ongoing study is funded by the Institute of Noetic Sciences and involves the collaboration of about 100 internationally acclaimed engineers and research scientists. The ...

Raven Montmorency

The Global Consciousness Project.