australia, china, illegal fishing, india, japan, quad nations, united states

Efforts Boosted to Curb China’s Illegal Fishing

In recent years, governments of various countries have become worried about the aggressive attitude of China regarding territorial issues and business activities. Several instances of Chinese-origin stealth vessels indulging in illegal fishing activities have been reported and in some instances, credible evidence has been collected too. While Beijing keeps denying the illegal activities of such ...

Max Lu

Fishermen weighing tuna.

Reports of Chinese Fishing Vessels in Argentina Waters Cause Alarm

Reports of China invading territories of other countries have been making headlines lately. Attempts to occupy parts of Bhutan, incursions in the South China Sea, aggressive behavior along the Indian border, and now Chinese fishing vessels are reportedly invading coastal waters belonging to Argentina. The Chinese fishing vessels allegedly entered Argentina’s waters and indulged in ...

Jack Roberts

A Chinese fishing vessel.