child reader, homeschooling parents, imagination, living books

The Transformative Power of Living Books

Some parents say: “My kid is not a big reader,” or “I can’t get them to read.” But have you ever thought that the problem may be the books you’re giving them or the ones you read yourself? Some books are not engaging to readers; they don’t speak to you. Only living books talk to ...

Nathan Machoka

A child reading a living book.

The Magic of Fairy Tales: Keeping the Art of Storytelling Alive

From the treasure trove of our childhood memories emerge the enchanting stories told by grandparents, parents, or caregivers. Fairy tales, those captivating narratives, whisked us away to realms where dragons soared, ogres devoured misbehaving children, princesses discovered love in the most unexpected places, and ordinary objects concealed extraordinary secrets. But these stories offer us more ...

Nathan Machoka

Girl reading a story to her stuffed animals.

Building Bright Futures: How LEGO Helps Children Develop Important Skills

“Play well” — these two simple words capture the heart and soul of LEGO, the world’s most famous building toy. From classic sets to themed ones featuring popular movies and characters, LEGO continues to encourage children to explore their imaginations and develop problem-solving skills in a fun and engaging way. The origins of LEGO In 1932, ...

Haidene Go

Creating with LEGO bricks.

Revisiting Childhood Dreams for Personal Growth

In the secret depths of our childhood memories, we all harbor dreams that once sparked our imagination and filled our hearts with joy. Seemingly lost amid the rush and responsibilities of adulthood, these dreams hold a key of immense value: They provide profound insight into who we’ve become today. This article explores how rekindling those ...

Viena Abdon

Crescent moon and hot air balloon above a serene sea in the sunset sky with a glowing horizon and comet passing by.

7 Life Lessons You Can Learn from Anne Shirley

Anne Shirley, the protagonist of the classic novel Anne of Green Gables, teaches valuable life lessons throughout her young life. Her strong spirit and vivid imagination serve as an inspiration to never give up on one’s dreams. Furthermore, her positive attitude toward life and the ability to turn challenges into opportunities serves as a reminder ...

Ratul Saha

Anne Shirley.

Never Give Up: Failure Is the Beginning of Great Success

In the Universal Manual of Life, if such a book is ever written, one of the first pieces of advice to top the list for everyone could well be: In life, never give up! Perseverance and faith in yourself nearly always lead to success. Turning seeming failure into success An economic crisis turned a successful ...

Emma Lu

A scultured head.

Why Make-Believe Play Is an Important Part of Childhood Development

Visit any preschool classroom during free play and you will likely see a child pretending to be someone else. Make-believe play is a ubiquitous part of early childhood. And beyond being fun for kids, pretending and other kinds of make-believe play are also believed by some to be critical to healthy childhood development. Research has found a ...

Jessica Kneipp

A boy chasing another boy riding a wooden horse in a field