diy solutions, humidity, indoor plants, mulching, plant environment, plant health, plant nanny, plant tips, plants, succulents, sustainable practices, travel preparation, vacation, watering techniques

Caring for Your Plants While You’re Away: A Guide to Vacation Plant Care

Embarking on vacation often brings about feelings of excitement, but if you’re a plant lover, a niggling concern about your leafy friends’ well-being might also emerge. Rest assured, ensuring the health of your plants during your time away isn’t as challenging as it might seem. Here’s a meticulously crafted guide to ensure they flourish even ...

Nathan Machoka

Houseplants on a windowsill.

8 Best Easy-to-Maintain Indoor Plants and Common Mistakes to Avoid

Indoor plants do a lot to improve the overall appearance of your space. Besides their exquisiteness, studies show that indoor plants can enhance creativity, boost mood, reduce stress, and sometimes remove air pollutants.  But indoor plants come with their fair share of challenges, and some mistakes may cost you a houseplant (or several). These challenges ...

Nathan Machoka

Many indoor plants require little care.

Creating a Green Oasis: A DIY Guide to Terrariums

Terrariums have captured the hearts of plant enthusiasts as charming indoor gardens that require minimal maintenance. These miniature ecosystems bring the beauty of nature into your living spaces, providing a serene and autonomous environment.  The birth of terrariums The birth of terrariums can be attributed to Dr. Nathaniel Bagshaw Ward, a British physician and botanist ...

Viena Abdon

A closed terrarium.

New Research Shows Your Plants Could Be Silently Screaming at You

If you’re like me, you’ve managed to kill even the hardiest of indoor plants (yes, despite a doctorate in plant biology). But imagine a world where your plants actually told you exactly when they needed watering. This thought, as it turns out, may not be so silly after all. You might be familiar with the ...

Troy Oakes

Dry, brittle leaves on a dead tree branch.

6 Reasons Why Millennials Love Houseplants

Millennials are known to be the most diverse, tolerant, connected, educated, and idealistic age group. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, they comprise the most prominent adult generation surpassing baby boomers. This age group has been at the forefront of specific issues, such as climate change. Very recently, they are again at ...

Viena Abdon


The Therapeutic Effects of Indoor Plants

The results are in and the benefits of indoor plants are many. From improving air quality to boosting your mood, there are plenty of reasons to add a plant or two (or ten!) to your home décor. Here, we explore some of the top scientific findings on the matter so that you can make an ...

Emma Lu

Two potted plants and a vase with pink flowers.

7 Beautiful, Non-Toxic Plants That Are Safe for Cats

People keep many species of indoor plants in their homes. These include orchids, cactuses of varying types, and flowering plants too. These indoor plants not only help enhance the aesthetic appeal of a room, but also enhance the supply of oxygen. However, you may not be aware some plants are not suited for your beloved ...

Armin Auctor

Cat-friendly plants.