agriculture, fungi, insects, leafcutter ants

Leafcutter Ants Knew How to Plant Before Humans!

In the tropical rainforests of South America, there is a group of unassuming creatures called leafcutter ants. They are extraordinary ants with “intelligence” beyond man’s imagination. Research suggests that the leafcutter ants mastered the art of agricultural planting much earlier than human beings. Experts say that these unassuming creatures hold tremendous research value. Leafcutter ants ...

Emma Lu

Leafcutter ants on a branch.

Mosquito Bites and Mosquito Repellents: Your Guide to Protection

Those tiny yet formidable creatures known as mosquitoes have plagued humankind for centuries. With their itchy bites and the potential health risks they carry, it’s no wonder that mosquito bites and mosquito repellents are hot topics of discussion.  Mosquitoes are most active during dawn and dusk when the weather is cooler and the humidity is ...

Viena Abdon

A mosquito feeding on someone's arm.

Scientist Questions Ethics of Collecting Endangered Insects for Study

“I have developed a real passion for a midge,” said Valeria Lencioni in an interview with GlacierHub. The midge in question, Diamesa steinboecki, is one of the highly endangered insects that she observed in the glacial streams of the Italian Alps where she conducts her research. When she started studying glacial fauna in 1996, little was ...

Troy Oakes

Dragonfly sitting on a twig.

5 Ways to Protect Your Dog From Poisonous Insects

For any dog parent, a top priority is to protect your pet from any harm. One of the risks to your dog is poisonous insects. Insects that are harmful include mosquitoes, fleas, spiders, wasps, bees, ants, and ticks. Fortunately, you can keep your furry friend from coming into contact with insects. “How?” you ask. 5 ...

Armin Auctor

A Eurasier puppy.

Wasps, Chiggers, and Other Summer Insects to Watch Out for

In summer, dealing with the insects buzzing around living spaces and biting you every now and then can get irritating. While some insect bites can be painful, other summer insects can cause health issues. Watch out for these summer insects Wasps and bees These insects are usually drawn in by sweet foods and bright clothing. ...

Raven Montmorency

A summer landscape.

Study Finds That With Global Warming, More Insects Will Be Hungrier for Crops

Crop losses for critical food grains will increase substantially with global warming, as rising temperatures boost the metabolism and population growth of insect pests, new research says. Scott Merrill of the University of Vermont, a co-author of the study published in Science, said: “Climate change will have a negative impact on crops; we are going to see increased pest ...

Troy Oakes

Insects devouring crops.