addiction, behaviors, change, conscious mind, identity, interpretation, meaning, perception, process, projection, psychologist george miller, real, reality, unconscious mind

Reality Check: Real Vs. Unreal

In Italian, there is a saying: “Il mondo è bello perché è vario,” which means: “The world is beautiful because it is varied.” In this simple statement, there is truth and wisdom, but also many challenges. Diversity is richness, beauty, excitement, and learning, but it can also be hard to deal with and requires an ...

Laura Cozzolino

Neurons interacting in the brain.

How Dreams Predicted the Fall and Rise of Zhou Bida

To understand the significance of dreams in ancient China and how they were interpreted and used to guide or validate the path a person was on, one must first understand how ancient Chinese viewed dreams. According to the ancient Chinese, we humans have a soul that consists of two components. One, which is more physically oriented ...

Hermann Rohr