anne-marie-brady, chinese agents, chinese communist party, jacinda adern, new zealand

New Zealand Academic Anne-Marie Brady Living in Fear of Beijing

The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its media outlets have repeatedly targeted well-known individuals for expressing their views opposing its dictatorial regime. As a result, a New Zealand-born academician is now worried about her well-being for researching the activities of the CCP and its allies. Anne-Marie Brady has spent many years studying the CCP’s activities, ...

Emma Lu

Anne-Marie Brady.

New Zealand: Anti-CCP Activists Mysteriously Die in Car Crash

Two ethnic anti-CCP activists were recently killed in a car crash in New Zealand while on their way to the Parliament to petition the government about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Three people were left injured in the crash. Some have speculated whether they were victims of sabotage given that the two dead victims, 48-year-old ...

Max Lu

Car of the two anti-CCP activists who were killed.