american psychic, china, jeane dixon, predictions, prophecies, psychic

Jeane Dixon’s Amazing Predictions and Prophecies

Jeane Dixon, a renowned American psychic, predicted the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, the defeat of Prime Minister Winston Churchill in an election, and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Dixon also predicted that China would be taken over by communists. Before she passed away in 1997, she predicted that the hope of humankind ...

Jack Roberts

An image of Jeane Dixon superimposed on an image of the Great Wall of China.

Who Is the ‘Oriental Saint’? The Answer Can Be Found in Western Prophecy

Prophecies worldwide — from the distant past up to modern times — have been receiving exponentially more attention, and this was especially true in 2020 with the global situation of the raging coronavirus pandemic being so severe. Many of these prophecies have said that in our time, a saint will arise in the East.  If the prophecies made by ...

Helen London

A man stands on top of a mountain and a beam of light appears to shoot out from his head up into the heavens.