arranged marriage, everlasting love, jin dynasty, life and death, love and marriage, marriage, predestined relationship

Marriage Stems From Special Karmic Relationship

Love and marriage, what a wonderful life when they co-exist together for a couple. They count their lucky stars and feel lucky in love. During the Jin Dynasty, the beautiful Zhu Yingtai was from a scholarly and well-to-do family. Her accomplishments included excellent embroidery work and a love of reading books and writing poetry. She ...

Jessica Kneipp

A painting of two butterflies.

Who Can Avoid a Deadly Plague?

Ancient China was called the “Land of the Divine.” The Chinese had a saying: “There are deities a yard (three feet) above your head,” which meant there were many of them close to humans. Everything in this world is controlled and arranged by divine beings. In the face of the CCP virus, how is it ...

Helen London

A sign with the word 'Pandemic.'

A Strategic Escape

During the reign of Emperor Ming of the Jin Dynasty (265-420), warlord Wang Dun campaigned to fight against the imperial government. His troops advanced eastward along the Yangtze River to Jiankang (modern Nanjing) planning to overthrow the emperor and prevent his escape so that Wan Dun could be emperor himself. When Emperor Ming learned of ...

Helen London

Celadon lion shaped bixie.