jujube, red dates, stay young, traditional chinese medicine

Eat Red Dates to Stay Young

There is a Chinese saying that: “Three jujubes a day will help you stay young.” This saying speaks to the benefits of eating the jujube fruit (Ziziphus jujuba) which is also known as the Chinese date or the red date. Nowadays red dates are not only one of the most popular medicinal foods in China, ...

David Jirard

Eating jujube dates are a great way to stay young. (Image: Nikolaydonetsk via Dreamstime)

Red Dates: 6 Wonderful Health Benefits

Red dates, also known as jujubes, support healthy spleen functioning. As the saying goes: “Three jujubes a day and even a centenarian looks young.” They have been used in many Chinese medicine formulations for centuries. The fruit is sweet to the taste and warm in nature. As well as nourishing the skin and having anti-aging ...

Kathy McWilliams

Red dates sitting on a table with flowers and plants in the background.

7 Health Benefits of Chinese Red Dates

Chinese red dates, or jujubes, are one of the most popular health foods in China. Dried dates are soft on the outside with a sweet smell and moist inside. Chinese people treat red dates not only as a food, but also as a health tonic and traditional herb. Many traditional herbal formulas include dates, as ...

Armin Auctor

A container of red dates.

Winter Melon Is Good for Weight Loss and Is an Antioxidant

Despite its name, winter melon is tasty in the summer. There are some foods that it can pair up with. However, there are some contraindications to note when eating it which, if overlooked, can do more harm than good. Winter melon should not be eaten with the certain foods Ricebean Both winter melon and ricebean ...

Helen London

Winter melons growing on racks.

Foods to Avoid Eating With Red Dates

Red dates (Chinese xi’an chunhefang), also known as jujube, is one of the most widely used foods in China for its health benefits. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) regards red dates as being a valuable source of nutrients. The history of red dates goes back 8,000 years to our Neolithic or Stone Age ancestors. In China, ...

Hermann Rohr

Red dates growing on a tree.

A Hakka Restaurant in Taiwan Featuring Jujube Cuisine

There are many Hakka restaurants offering many tasty dishes in Taiwan, and one of the best is the famous Jujube House Restaurant (棗莊古藝庭園膳坊), a Hakka restaurant that is also known as Zaozhuang (棗莊). Please watch the following video of the Jujube House Restaurant in Taiwan: Located at Gongguan Township (公館鄉) in northern Taiwan’s Maoli County ...

Billy Shyu