brain, heart, kidneys, lungs, organ aging, prostate

Revealing the Secret of Altering Aging in 5 Organs

Organ aging seems inevitable. Or not? As you age, your organs show signs of wear and tear. Poor memory, forgetting things, frequent urination at night, itchy skin, frequent heart palpitations, chest tightness, and shortness of breath are all common signs of aging. But do you know when human organs start to age? Or how to ...

Hermann Rohr

CT brain scans.

Drinking Excess Water May Lead to These 6 Health Issues

Drinking water benefits your body in many ways. For example, water aids the fluid circulation in the body, the proper digestion of food, and accelerating and discharging metabolic waste, to name a few. However, drinking excess water can cause problems. In some cultures, water is always boiled to kill any bacteria, thus making it suitable ...

Emma Lu

Man drinking a glass of water.

Preserve Your Kidneys’ Yang Qi to Resist Spring Diseases

Preserving your kidneys’ yang qi is important for resisting spring diseases. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), it is said that winter is a time for the kidneys. The kidneys are very important in TCM as: They store your essence from your parents; They store the “jing” that is responsible for your mental and physical development, and is the basis for whether you can reproduce; ...

Wilma Oakes

A frozen winter landscape with a golden sunset.

10 Tips for Healthy Kidneys

According to traditional Chinese medicine, the most important health care advice concerns our kidneys. Your kidneys aren’t very big — each is about the size of your fist — but they do important work. They keep you healthy by maintaining just the right balance of water and other substances inside your body. Unfortunately, if your ...

Emma Lu

A person with kidney pain.

Tang Dynasty: The Minister’s Kidney Remedy

In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), there is a powerful kidney remedy called “Minister Zheng’s Prescription.” The origin of the name is directly related to the minister himself. There is an interesting and inspiring background story that goes along with this prescription.  During the Yuanhe era of the Tang Dynasty, there was a minister surnamed Zheng. At the ...

Emma Lu

A Traditional Chinese Medicine apothecary.

The Role of the Kidneys in Traditional Chinese Medicine

The kidneys are important organs in the human body, regulating body fluids and expelling waste through urine. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) views kidneys as governing fluids like saliva, perspiration, tears, and lubricating joints. The organ is said to be critical to the function of the ears and bones. The role of the kidneys According to ...

Emma Lu

A glass of water.