health concerns, lead poisoning, new discoveries

Lead Toxicity Risk Factors in Philadelphia

Philadelphia is the poorest large city in the United States. It’s also unusual in having a high proportion of homeowners compared to renters. Taken together, this means that poorer homeowners may lack the funds to maintain and make needed repairs to their homes, leaving them at risk of a variety of related health issues, including ...

Troy Oakes

Boy riding piggy-back.

Birds of Prey Suppressed by Lead Poisoning From Gun Ammunition

A new study uses data on lead levels in the livers of thousands of dead birds of prey to calculate the impact of lead poisoning on population size. Poisoning caused by preying on or scavenging animals shot by hunters using lead ammunition has left the populations of many birds of prey far smaller than they ...

Troy Oakes

Red kite on the attack.

Topsoil: A Major Cause of Lead Exposure in Children

A study by Tulane University has found that high lead levels in the soil are resulting in increased lead contamination risk among children. Published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, the study analyzed soil samples from New Orleans. Lead problem Lead dust is invisible and almost indistinguishable when mixed with soil. ...

Raven Montmorency

A trench in the woods.