assassination attempt, leaders, resilience, teddy roosevelt, theodore roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt and the Speech That Stopped a Bullet

“Friends, I shall ask you to be as quiet as possible. I don’t know whether you fully understand that I have just been shot, but it takes more than that to kill a Bull Moose.” These are the famous words of Theodore Roosevelt a few moments after he had survived certain death after being shot ...

Nathan Machoka

Portrait of President Theodore Roosevelt.

4 Personality Traits That Put You Among the Most Successful Leaders

Many times, the success of a business will be largely dependent on how good its leaders are. A well-funded business with an excellent plan in an attractive market can end up in a loss if the person leading it is not good enough. In contrast, an excellent leader can take even the most beat-down business ...

Armin Auctor

A man giving a presentation.

Study Shows How Small Groups Lead to the Emergence of Leaders

While the “wisdom of the crowd” shapes the behavior of large groups of people, less is known about small-group dynamics and how individuals interact to make decisions, particularly when it comes to the emergence of leaders, a key area of inquiry in organizational research. The phenomenon is critical to arriving at an understanding of social networks of all ...

Troy Oakes

Small group sharing.