compassion, forgiveness, human kindness, inspirational stories, life changing moments, moral courage, non-violence, promissory note, teacher's impact, transformative power

Promissory Note of Compassion: How a Teacher’s Kindness Rewrote Two Lives

My mother was a high school teacher, known for her stern lectures in class or her serious demeanor when imparting wisdom. Not only were her students intimidated by her, even the parents feared her as well. It was 15 years ago. Just before the Lunar New Year, due to financial difficulties at home, my mother ...

Max Lu

Wooden blocks with the words 'promissory note.'

How the Power of Honesty Changed a Beggar’s Life

On August 9, in the bustling city of New York, a curious incident unfolded that reflected the power of honesty. Merrie Harris, a female director of an advertising company, encountered a beggar while walking on the street. She had no change to give, so, in an unusual act of kindness, she handed him her credit ...

Mikel Davis

An American Express Platinum card.

Near-Death Experience: The Realm Between Life and Death

A near-death experience can leave a lasting impact on a person’s life. But, even if you’ve never experienced a close brush with death, you’ve probably seen or read about it in popular media.  In movies, we usually see a scene where the star is bleeding out or lost at sea or in a desert. Then ...

Nathan Machoka

Large doors opening to the heavens.

2 Life Changing Stories Reveal the Most Dependable People Around You

How can you tell who the most dependable people around you are? Social circles influence people’s lives to a large extent. When you associate with positive people, you can become brighter; when you associate with negative people, you can become depressed; when you associate with honest people, you can become open-minded and encourage each other; and ...

Michael Segarty

The word 'dependable' spelled out with wooden blocks on a mint green and grey background.