daily habits, happiness tips, interpersonal skills, life hacks, life improvement, mental health, mindfulness, personal growth, positivity, self-care, well-being

20 Tips for a Fulfilling Life

Every day, you engage in routines that shape your future. As Aristotle wisely stated: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” You lay the foundation for a fulfilling and happy life by fostering small, positive habits. Below are 20 simple but powerful habits that can help you ...

Emma Lu

Dandelion fluff being blown in the wind.

Life Hacks: 12 Banana Peel Uses

If you are like most people, you normally throw away the banana peel when you are finished eating the banana. Well, think again before your peel ends up in the garbage, as it is useful in many different ways! Household uses 1. Oil and stain remover Rub the peel on stained kitchen utensils. The dirt ...

Michael Segarty

A banana peel.

Here’s What Causes the Sound of a Dripping Tap and How to Stop It

Scientists have solved the riddle behind one of the most recognizable, and annoying, household sounds: the dripping tap. And crucially, they have also identified a simple solution to stop it, which most of us already have in our kitchens. Using ultra-high-speed cameras and modern audio capture techniques, the researchers, from the University of Cambridge, found ...

Troy Oakes