literature, recommended books, sales, sales books

Top 5 Sales Books to Raise Your Game in 2023

Are you a salesperson looking for some sales books so that you up your game going into 2023? Great! Jumping into cold water as a salesperson still requires some training to improve. When you need direction, you often turn to literature for help. However, finding the right book is a challenging task. Searching for subjects ...

Ratul Saha

Becoming successful in sales.

Most Medieval Manuscripts of Chivalric and Heroic Tales Have Been Lost

New research finds that, while the Knights of the Round Table has won global fame, most medieval English chivalric and heroic tales have been lost. Meanwhile, more than three-quarters of medieval stories in Icelandic and Irish survive to the present, in an unusual pattern suggesting that island ‘ecosystems’ helped preserve culture. 90 percent of medieval manuscripts of ...

Troy Oakes

Armor gloves and a suit of armor.