amino acids, anthocyanin, anti-aging, antioxidants, black fungus, cardiovascular health, cloud ear fungus, detoxification, dietary fiber, digestive health, health benefits, liver health, natural superfood, nutritional powerhouse, urinary health, wood ear fungus

The Health Benefits of Black Fungus: Nature’s Aspirin

With the serious environmental pollution in modern society, detoxification has become a hot topic in health care. Notably, black fungus (also known as wood ear or cloud ear fungus) stands out for its remarkable health benefits. Renowned as the “aspirin of the food world,” it boasts a variety of advantages, including beautifying the skin, detoxifying ...

Mikel Davis

Black fungus salad with soy sauce and horseradish.

Nourishing Your Liver: 5 Foods for Optimal Liver Health

The liver is an incredibly important organ in the human body, responsible for metabolism and the production and expulsion of bile to assist digestion. It also detoxifies harmful substances, including foreign particles that enter the body and metabolic byproducts. Therefore, daily maintenance of your liver is crucial. This includes avoiding smoking, excess alcohol intake, staying ...

Max Lu

Boiled green mung beans with sugar syrup.

Eating Dark Chocolate Can Surprisingly Lower Your Risk of Chronic Diseases

Dietary fiber is typically associated with vegetables, but dark chocolate, a treasure trove of dietary fiber, challenges this preconceived notion. Foods rich in dietary fiber often bring to mind ingredients like burdock root or sweet potatoes. Yet dark chocolate packs in double the fiber found in equivalent quantities of burdock root and more than five ...

Mikel Davis

Dark chocolate chopped on a wooden board.

8 Super Simple Things You Can Do to Maintain Liver Health

Liver health is often overlooked by many people, especially those who do not drink alcohol. Most people believe alcohol is the only factor that can have a negative effect on this organ. However, many other factors can influence its function. In this article, we shall look at four simple exercises you can do every day ...

Hermann Rohr

Two young Asian couples enjoying drinks.